
AI Quote Generator

A GPT-2 powered quote generator - create a one-of-a-kind quote based on a topic of your choice

AI Website Text Generator

A project I helped initiate at Rocketspark. Using GPT-2, we created a model that could accurately generate novel website landing-page text, for a wide range of business types (from accountants, to toy shops, to day spas, and everything in between).

Your Life in Weeks Extension

Following WaitButWhy's Your Life in Weeks page, I made a simple chrome extension that creates a similar diagram, for quick reference & pasting into your personal digital journal / knowledge base.

An Empirical Evaluation of Reducing Spurious Signals in Chest X-Rays via Non-ROI Masking

A look at non-ROI masking for improving generalisation in pneumonia classification via chest x-rays. The masking shows limited effectiveness in improving generalisation and I show that spurious signals exist deeply within chest x-ray data.

AI Sheep Counter

Used FAIR's Detectron2 framework to create a sheep counting application for use in saleyards.

Hololens Music Game

An interactive music game made for the University of Waikato open day, showing off the artistic/creative side in software engineering